Hello, I'm Richard Chiriboga

Richard Chiriboga is a combination of multi-disciplines – including strategy, project management and web development.

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Generate Random Background Gradient using SASS

I thought it would be a cool idea to be able to create a mixin for adding gradient backgrounds to an element. Then I thought, what if I could create one that would output the gradien...

Why Create Your Website in Jekyll

What is Jekyll This is probably the first question you should be asking yourself if you have never heard of it. To put it in super simple terms, Jekyll is a static website generator....

Luminate Online Top Participants WordPress Plugin

A Wordpress Plugin for showing top participants, teams and groups from the Luminate API. For information on thhe plugin or on how to lease the plugin for your website contact me tod...

Cool SASS Margin and Padding Mixin

So I have recently really gotten into SASS and how powerful it is. I mean I have used it before but nothing like I have in the last couple of weeks. Real world examples are always th...

The WuTang Clan Question

So when people read my bio and such, people are always fascinated by the work I have done and do for the WuTang Clan. There’s always the “Wait…What? You did that?” and I can’t lie, I...