Is Your Website Ready for WordPress Gutenberg

If you are asking yourself - What is Gutenberg? Chances are you are not ready. OK OK Ok. Well that’s not 100% true, but if WordPress is going to make such a major change to their system, then you should know what it is and how the change may affect you.

What is WordPress Gutenberg

Gutenberg, is WordPress’ new editor that will be fully introduced in WordPress 5. It is named after Johannes Gutenberg, who introduced mechanical movable type printing to Europe started the Printing Revolution more than 500 years ago. If you are familiar with WordPress’ current Editor, sometimes you have to HTML your way through getting your content to look a certain way. Albeit, some may have added plugins like visual composer and those like it to make it easier for admins to add more visually appealing layouts, Gutenberg is here to help all that. They are now taking the approach of Little Blocks to help create a more feature rich editor. You can also find out more about WordPress Gutenberg

Should I be worried?

That depends. If you are using your WordPress website at the minimal level of blocks and normal structured pages then NO. If you are using one of the fore mentioned visual designers and you remove the plugin to use the Gutenberg then you might. It all depends on your setup. Don’t leave it to the last minute to flip the switch and oops.

Is there anything I can do now to prepare?

If you were asking for my advice as a web developer, I would say copy your wordpress instance to a development environment and test everything on there before WordPress 5 comes out. Please note that there is currently no definitive release date for the release.

What if I don’t want to use Guttenberg?

This is a tricky situation. WordPress 5 will automatically change the editor to Gutenberg, but according to WordPress you will be able to activate a plugin to get you back to the normal editor you are used to.

If you are not certain, don’t worry, I am here to help you. Contact me using the form below.